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Good Energy, Science Fair

Making renewables the natural choice

Time’s up for leaving climate change to the next generation to solve, a TV advert and national campaign to show we all have the power to create a cleaner, greener world through our renewable energy choices..

Our planet good energy shoot Our planet good energy shoot Our planet good energy shoot Our planet good energy shoot Good Energy Science Fair TV Advert Good Energy Science Fair TV Advert

The brief

The brief was simple: create a moment in time through a national campaign that showed Good Energy’s unique perspective on why people should choose renewable energy through a brand awareness campaign.

Good Energy Science Fair TV Advert Good Energy Science Fair TV Advert

The challenge

The renewable energy supplier that has been on the front line in efforts to decarbonise the UK’s energy sources for over 20 years needed to drive brand recognition through a unique narrative. How do we begin the road to them being a household name, whilst getting to core audiences on new platforms for the brand. 

Our planet good energy shoot Our planet good energy shoot Good Energy Science Fair TV Advert Good Energy Science Fair TV Advert Good Energy Science Fair TV Advert

The approach

The overarching aim was to connect hearts and minds to where our energy comes from and what our future generations feel about the future of human influence on the planet. Through a narrative ark, we drove brand awareness, displaying a vision for a cleaner energy system, one that isn’t reliant on dirty power but on renewable power.


Our research and insight showed the next generation was the biggest driver of behaviour change to our target audiences of families in the UK – so we documented what matters to them through the lens of the next generation, showing their perspective of the world they will inherit.


We brought this to life through a school science fair idea, where children showed off models of what their belief of a world would look like with inaction, and what it could look like if we commit to the solutions available to us through Good Energy’s full-service renewable energy services.

Good Energy TV Ad campaign Behind the scenes of Enviral's Good Energy TV Ad campaign

The results

Rolled out across TV and digital channels, our evergreen, emotional statement that reflected Good Energy’s commitment to fighting climate change for the next generation saw 3.7 million views across TV, YouTube and social.

This was accompanied by 70,000 social engagements and 10,500 views to their website making this Good Energy’s largest campaign in their 20 + year history.